laundry management system

 Easy dynamic website project 

The purpose of this project is to provide a web-based laundry management system for users to easily send laundry requests, view the status of their requests, and provide feedback about the laundry services

The user interface is the front end of the system that allows the users to interact with the system. The database is the system's back-end that stores the data related to the laundry services. The server-side script is the middle layer of the system that connects the user interface and the database and performs the business logic.

About project

The user interface is developed using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, in the dashboard page, allows users to sign up and request laundry services. Users can view the status of their laundry request, check the price of the laundry, give feedback about the services, and log out of their accounts.

 login, register, forgot password page

Welcome page


Laundry request form

Status of your request

The database is created using MySQL. It has three tables: laundry_request, notification, users. The laundry_request table stores the information about the pickup, delivery, status, and capacity. The notification stores the information about the status of the request. The user's table stores information about the users of the system, such as their ID, name, password, role, and email.

 The server-side script is written in PHP. It uses the mysqli extension to connect to the database and execute SQL queries. It also uses sessions to manage user authentication and authorization. It handles various requests from the user interface and performs different tasks depending on the user's role and action.

 How to run

To run this project, you need to have a web server that supports PHP and MySQL installed on your computer. (I used xampp for this project) You also need to create a database named "laundry" and import the SQL file provided in the project folder. Then you need to copy all the files in the project folder to your web server's root directory. Finally, you need to open your web browser and enter "http://localhost/index.php" in the address bar.

Challenges faced

As a beginner, I faced several challenges while developing this project. One of the major challenges was connecting to the database and fetching details correctly from it. It took me some time to understand how to use the PHP mysqli extension to connect to the MySQL database and execute SQL queries. However, with the help of online resources and some trial and error, I was able to overcome this challenge and successfully integrate the database with the system. This project helped me improve my skills in HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, and MySQL.

 I hope you enjoyed reading this blog post and learned something new from it. If you have any questions or feedback about this project, please feel free to leave a comment below. I have attached the source code and demo of the project

source code -


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