Ecommerce website

website look

In this blog post, I will share with you my e-commerce website project .I will explain the main features and functionalities of the website, as well as the challenges and learnings I encountered during the development process.


The website is an online store that sells various products such as gift items, electronics, watches, etc. The website allows users to browse through the product catalog, add items to their shopping cart, and checkout with cash on delivery. The website also has an admin panel that enables the site owner to manage the products, categories, orders, customers, and reports.

Some of the main features and functionalities of the website are:

[described all the functions in the demo video below ]

  • user registration/login
  • product catalog
  • add to cart
  • check out(payment gateway not integrated ,only cod)
  • admin panel
  • View order(admin only)
  • add,update, delete product(admin only)

1. Setting up the environment: I used XAMPP as my local server, which includes Apache, PHP and MySQL. I downloaded and installed XAMPP from Then, I created a database in phpMyAdmin and imported the SQL file that contains the tables and data for my project. You can download the SQL file from 

2. Designing the user interface: I used HTML, CSS, JavaScript and Bootstrap 5 to create the front-end of my website. I made sure that my website is responsive and compatible with all browsers. I also used some plugins to enhance the functionality and appearance of my website, 

3. Developing the back-end logic: I used PHP and MySQL to handle the business logic of my website. I created different PHP files for different features, such as user registration, user login, forgot password, product listing, product details, shopping cart, checkout, order tracking,  etc. I also used some PHP libraries. You can find these libraries easily

4. Testing and debugging: I tested my website on different devices and browsers to make sure that it works properly and has no errors or bugs. I used some tools to help me with testing and debugging, such as Chrome DevTools, Postman, etc. 

5. Deploying and hosting: I haven't deployed and hosted my website yet. but if you want to do you can.

In conclusion;

It was a great learning experience for me.  If you have any questions or feedback, please feel free to leave a comment below . Thank you for your time and attention!

source code:


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